January 23, 2008

Meet Megg and Mogg...

OK, so here are the new arrivals. This is Megg, a 6-year-old tortoiseshell, and below (actually, that's assuming Blogger has displayed them correctly) is Mogg, Megg's 5-year-old daughter.

We adopted them from a cat sanctuary at the weekend and they're lovely... albeit very very very timid. Megg has only emerged from under her bed this morning for the first time since arriving at ours on Sunday, while Mogg has got a bit more adventurous and will now let you stroke her and feed her from hand... and then probably go and hide again.

They were called Tootsie and Splodge but, well, y'know, we just didn't consider ourselves Tootsie and Splodge people, so Megg and Mogg it is.

Photos aren't, I'll admit, the greatest, but that was the closest I was able to get to them at the time (and I haven't quite figured out the light settings on my new phone yet either). Hopefully we'll have some more pics of them soon when they've settled in a bit more and won't go and hide when you look at them...