April 18, 2007

So, erm, yeah, I'm back then...

Got approximately a thousand photos to sort through, a journal to finish, loads of video to edit, then I'll get round to putting it online. But for now, just know this:

China's flippin' awesome.

Thank you.


Glyn Harries said...

Thousands of photos...a journal...loads of video...

Man this could get boring.

Looks like Andy's blog could be one to miss for a while.

Andy said...

Fella, you've been doing a grand job in failing to acknowledge it for the six weeks of its existence anyway.

And sorry to disappoint but I'm actually going to put all the travel stuff on another blog and link it in so my other blog chums won't get bored by it.

Glyn Harries said...

Hehe. Ok. Well it's good to have you back anyway.

Andy said...

Why I oughtta, Harries...

youthwork southwest said...

So you get one blog going and decide to start another one...talk about jumping in with both feet.

Good to hear you're back and safe and well and enjoyed everything...to many ands, but you know what I mean!

Speak soon hair man.

Andy said...

The purpose of the other one is purely and simply to put the journal on and leave it for the other guys I travelled with to post. Don't think it'll go on much beyond that.

Yeah, we're back and it was all good.

Amy said...

Yay I´m at the top of someone´s blog list! Andy just discovered you have a blog - can you write something about China pls?! Ignore Glyn

Andy said...

Gotta finish off the last day of the journal first then we'll look at putting it together but it's on its way.

And I do, as a general rule, try to ignore Glyn...