October 31, 2008

The blog is dead, long live... doing nothing?

So I updated my blog roll... now I notice that Matt Leeder's teased us with a blog post once more... while Ed, who I only added after he complained last time that he hadn't been added, hasn't blogged anew, and Glyn has done exactly what I said he would do, and not blogged now it's been 'made awesome' to use his words.

In the meantime, I recommend you go, gasp and be amazed by the artistic talent of the youngest (and most talented!) member of the Harries clan, Dan, by clicking here...

However, I wanna know something. While the Meisterwerk from myself is still in the making (the work's nearly finished, about a week or so away now), where the flipping heck has everyone else gone?

October 10, 2008

To those of you who follow this blog...

This one is for those of you who follow this blog... well, when I say 'follow', I kinda actually mean read and comment, if only to say, for the umpteenth time, either on this or their own blogs, that I haven't blogged in ages.

I am aware of this. There's no particular reason why apart from the fact that I'm right in the middle of loads and loads of work on my house, so I don't really have time to blog when I'm at home, and when I'm not working, I just can't be bothered (and really don't think you'd be that interested) to tell you what I've been doing that particular time.

So, to summarise, I've made a few changes to my blog roll.

Off go Gary and Matt L, who seem to have stopped blogging (in Matt's case some time ago!), and Rich, who not only stopped blogging but has removed his blog from the interweb, for reasons he didn't quite get round to explaining last time I saw him, on comes Anna, whom I've recently become friends with, if only because we needed someone who actually wanted to help us paint our house and I needed someone to complain to about Swiss-German (the bane of my working life, not that most of you would be particularly interested in that!).

Glyn is nearing the end of his month-long blog-a-thon. Now, I don't wish to be (any more) cynical (than I already am) but I have a feeling once Glyn's finished his month of bloggage and has had his blog re-designed... he'll stop blogging again.

Katie has been blogging sporadically, mostly in an attempt to waste time instead of doing something more useful instead... like helping me paint my house... ;)

John, meanwhile, who's spending the next while in the Faroes, appears to have become Australian. Seriously, John, pack it in.

Matt W continues to keep us updated about his showbiz life, and finally I've added Tim, who I've been planning to add for ages, but who now appears to have gone into a blog hibernation the likes of which would even embarrass me.

So, for those of you who actually want to know what I've been up to, I promise, I promise I will post soon... well, just as soon as we actually have heating and hot water back in the house...

P.S. - In no way doing this 'cos he commented and complained that he hadn't been added to the blog roll, but I've now added Ed. He can consider himself lucky after his behaviour in 1995, frankly... ;)