...y'see, I had all these ideas for a blog post. As I lay in bed yesterday I was thinking it was about time I wrote something new, updated you all on the fascinating developments with my fireplace, told you what a lovely time we had on Saturday with my brother, sister-in-law and niece going to see Thomas the Tank Engine and friends at Chappell/Wakes Colne, and even time I wrote something serious but then I got up and started doing stuff, then when I browsed the logs later I looked at
Glyn’s latest post, forgot what I wanted to say and decided not to say much for now, firstly because I'd advise you to check out his blog/vlog/vblog or whatever he wants to call it, and secondly 'cos I then forgot what it was I wanted to say. It was something deep and meaningful though, that much I remember...
But because I can't remember everything I did want to say I'll distill it down to this:
Thank you, Rich, Nicola and Bethany for a lovely day on Saturday. We love spending time with you but probably don't tell you enough.
And so as not to disappoint all those of you desperate to know how the house is looking, here's the latest picture of the fireplace...