July 11, 2007

Lacking inspiration...

As is seemingly the case with lots of other people on my blog roll I'm really lacking inspiration for a post.

So, as imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and that doesn't really apply here, allow me to point you towards a couple of interesting posts:

Rich has blogged about some of the work he's been doing and ideas he has in the pipelines. I would love to have creative ideas like this. Rich is one of the guys I've had the privilege of working with at Summer School and look forward to doing so again.

Kirsty is hosting a discussion about performance/worship. As ever it's nothing if not thought-provoking.

And although Glyn hasn't posted anything in a couple of weeks it's his birthday today so go and wish him happy birthday.

"For greater love hath no man than this, that he should promote other people's blogs" (this may have been adapted from somewhere, can't quite put my finger on where though).


Not at all spurred on by the fact she got mock 'umpy with me in her comment I should also point you towards Liz's blog where she's telling the world about the miracle of creation!


Liz said...


Andy said...
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Andy said...

Oh berlimey... sorry, will remedy this...

Liz said...

Oh wow, it's almost as good as getting an award from Mr.Mitch. Hehe!

By the way, your word puzzles ( verification) have been a tad near the mark lately.Who makes them up?

Unknown said...

Aah! I feel loved!

Melissa tells me you guys are in your house and surrounded by boxes and that she had to fridge-sit the other day! How cool! Is it going well? Are you liking it?

I have been in my flat for exactly a week now!

Andy said...

Yeah, we've been in three weeks. Loving it, except for the boxes everywhere bit. She did have to fridge-sit and we might ask her (not that she knows yet unless Graeme's reading this!) to sit again for some furniture to be delivered.

Take it you're loving being in your new flat?

Unknown said...

Yup yup yup. Its just so calm! Everything is in its place and where it is supposed to be. I love it!

Andy said...

Haha, no brothers around to pester you either, eh?!